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David Mumford

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David began songwriting in 2001 on a trip around the world, with a 6-chord songbook and cheap guitar as his tools and only companions. Alas, the boybands were dead and gone, so he turned instead to the likes of Paul Simon, Bob Dylan and The Beatles to show him the way. In the years since, David has played gigs all over the South-East, establishing himself as a regular at the Grey Lady with his unique blend of acoustic roots, blues and folk music. He released his debut album ‘Bonfire Music’ in 2013, his EP ‘Be Back Soon’ in 2014, and his homemade album ‘Night Moves’ in 2015. You can download all his music online for free!


David Mumford on Soundcloud

Last played:

The Grey Lady Music Lounge, Sunday 10th November 2019
Jez Harley, David Mumford, James McMaster